specializes in selling a product called "aerocurl™ – 5-in-1 air-styler brush." This product appears to be a versatile hair styling tool that allows users to transform their hairstyle easily.

However, be cautious: there are several warning signs suggesting that might be a scam. Here's why you should be wary of this store:

1. Fake Reviews

The store appears to be using fake reviews for its products. Despite showing a perfect 5/5 star rating based on 126 reviews, these might not be genuine, as evidenced by the image below.

Fake Reviews

Moreover, if you look closely at these reviews, you'll notice they feature fake names and content, further indicating they might not be real.

Fake Reviews

Fake reviews are often used to make a product look better than it actually is and to deceive potential customers into thinking the product is more popular or well-received than it really is. This practice raises questions about the store's honesty and the actual quality of its products.

2. Copied Refund and Policy

The Aerocurl store's Refund and Policy section is not original; it's copied content, commonly found on many scam websites. The policy oddly mentions food, flowers, and magazines, which are unrelated to what the store actually sells, as shown in the image.

Refund Policy

This lack suggests that they may not be putting in the effort to provide unique and genuine customer service information. This can be a red flag for several reasons:

  • Lack of Originality: A legitimate business typically takes the time to develop its own policies that are specific to its operations and customer needs. Copying policy content from another source may indicate a lack of professionalism or attention to detail.

  • Questionable Credibility: Using copied content can make the store appear less credible and trustworthy. It raises concerns about their commitment to customer satisfaction and transparency.

  • Potential Legal Issues: Copying content, especially without permission, can lead to legal issues related to copyright infringement. This reflects poorly on the store's ethical standards.

  • Uncertainty in Policy Enforcement: If the policy is not tailored to the specific business, it may not accurately represent how the store handles refunds and other customer service matters. This could lead to confusion and problems for customers seeking refunds or support.

Overall, using copied content for important customer service policies is not a good practice and can be a warning sign about the reliability and integrity of an online store.

3. Fake Physical Address And Registrar Information

The store's Facebook page says it's in Australia, but the domain is registered to a company called Superior Solutions FZCO in the United Arab Emirates.

Aerocurl Facebook Page


This company doesn't seem related to hair styling tools, which Aerocurl sells. Having different locations like this is a warning sign. Usually, real businesses have the same information everywhere.

4. No Phone Number

Aerocurl's store lacks a phone number on both its website and social media pages, making it difficult for customers to contact them directly.

Contact Aerocurl No Phone Number

The absence of a phone number is a point of concern for several reasons:

  • Customer Service Limitations: Not providing a phone number can limit the ways customers can reach out for support. This might be inconvenient, especially for those seeking immediate assistance or direct communication.

  • Transparency and Accessibility Issues: A phone number is a basic aspect of contact information that most legitimate businesses provide. Its absence could be seen as a lack of transparency or an attempt to limit direct customer engagement.

  • Red Flag in Online Business: For an online store, especially one with other potential warning signs (such as new domain registration, inconsistent location details, etc.), not having a phone number could be a red flag. It may signal a lack of professionalism or a potentially untrustworthy operation.

  • Trust and Credibility Concerns: Many customers view the availability of a phone number as a sign of a business's credibility and reliability. Without it, some customers might question the legitimacy of the store and feel less secure about making a purchase.

5. New Domain Name

The domain was registered just a few days ago, which raises questions about the store's legitimacy. Domain Agge

Here's why this might be significant:

  • Lack of Established History: New domain names often indicate that the website or business hasn't been around for long. This can mean there's a lack of an established track record or history for the business, making it harder to find reliable reviews or customer experiences.

  • Common Tactic in Scams: Frequently, scam websites will use new domain names. They might operate for a short time, scam consumers, and then disappear, only to reappear later under a different domain name.

  • Increased Caution Advised: While a new domain name doesn't automatically mean a website is a scam, it does mean that potential customers should exercise extra caution. It’s advisable to thoroughly research the company, look for additional reviews or information, and perhaps wait a bit to see if more information becomes available over time.

  • Cross-Check with Other Signs: A new domain name, especially when combined with other red flags like inconsistent location details, use of copied content, and questionable reviews, should prompt a more cautious approach.


Be careful with There are too many warning signs: fake reviews, copied return policies, unclear location, no phone number, and a brand-new website. It's best to avoid shopping here and find a more reliable store.

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