Beware of A scam store that appears to sell various products related to home decor and seasonal items, particularly focusing on Christmas, as indicated by categories such as "Christmas," "Indoor Decorations," "Outdoor & Garden," and "Halloween."

In this review, we will demonstrate why this store is considered a scam, placing a spotlight on customer reviews and identifying various red flags.

Albanysale: Negative Reviews

The majority of customer reviews about the Albanysale store are negative. Here are some examples:

Albanysale Review 1

The customer expresses dissatisfaction with their purchase of a Bluey Advent Christmas calendar, noting that the items received were of poor quality – described as fake, broken, and melted. Additionally, the reviewer highlights the store's unresponsiveness to refund requests, suggesting a lack of customer support.


Albanysale Review 2

This review straightforwardly labels the website as a scam, asserting that it takes customers' money and provides no further communication or response.


Albanysale Review 3

The customer placed an order on September 29, 2023, but has not received any tracking number or product. Despite contacting the support email four times, there has been no response.

Additionally, the reviewer expresses concern about the legitimacy of the store's address, as it directs them to a residential location on Google Maps.

Albanysale: Angry Reactions

The Albanysale Facebook page displays angry reactions to each post, as evident in the following image.

Albanysale Angry Reactions

The presence of angry reactions on every post is another red flag, indicating dissatisfaction or frustration among the audience.

Albanysale: Unauthorized Use of Physical Address

The Albanysale company employs the physical address of Albany Art Room without permission.

Albanysale Physical Address

This lack raises serious concerns about Albanysale and adds another layer to the red flags we've already discussed. Using another company's physical address without permission can be a serious violation of intellectual property rights and potentially fraudulent.

Albanysale: Inconsistent Email Address

An email address with a different domain name, [email protected], is displayed on the Albanysale Facebook page.

Albanysale Email Address

Here's why the store uses an inconsistent email address:

  • Inconsistency: It suggests a lack of attention to detail and branding consistency, which can be unprofessional and raise doubts about the company's legitimacy.
  • Potential for phishing: Scammers often use email addresses with different domains to impersonate legitimate businesses and trick users into revealing personal information or clicking on malicious links.
  • Difficulty in communication: If the email address is not associated with the website domain, reaching customer service or resolving issues might be challenging.

Albanysale: Fake Reviews

The reviews on the Albanysale website appear to be fake. If you visit the store's website, you'll notice that all reviews are positive, which contradicts external reviews and raises suspicions about their authenticity.

Fake Reviews

Also, The content of these reviews raises some suspicion of being potentially fake. Here's why:

1. Lack of specificity: All three reviews are very generic and lack any specific details about the product, the shopping experience, or the company. This makes them seem like boilerplate reviews that could be applied to any product or store.

2. Unconventional language: The phrase "pictures recently in my online shopping career" in the first review is unusual and not typical of how people talk about online shopping experiences.

3. Unnatural focus on the company's existence: The second review highlighting the company's existence since 2019 seems forced and irrelevant to the product or service. It feels like an attempt to artificially boost the store's credibility.

4. Excessively positive tone: All three reviews are overly positive, bordering on unrealistic. This is a common telltale sign of fake reviews, which often try to paint the company in the best light possible.

5. Missing context: The reviews seem disconnected from each other and lack any context or flow. This suggests they might have been copied and pasted from different sources.

Slbanysale: Stolen Images

Numerous images found on Albanysale have been illicitly taken from other stores and websites. For example, the images used on the About Us page do not belong to the store.

About Us


Google Lens image checker

Also The product images:

Christmas Advent Calendar

Google Lens image checker

The use of stolen images raises serious concerns about the store's credibility and legitimacy. When a website utilizes images that do not belong to them, it suggests a lack of transparency and ethical business practices.

This could lead to potential issues for customers, including receiving products that differ from the advertised images or experiencing other deceptive practices.

Albanysale: No Phone Number Provided

Albanysale does not provide a phone number, raising concerns about transparency and the ability to contact the store for customer support.

Contact Us Page

This lack of direct communication may pose challenges for customers seeking assistance or information, suggesting a potential risk associated with the store.

Albanysale: Hidden Domain Information

In addition to using a stolen physical address without permission and not providing a phone number, Albanysale has been observed hiding some domain information.

Albanysale Whois

Albanysale's attempt to obscure details about its domain ownership raises serious red flags about its operations. Potential customers should exercise extreme caution and avoid any interactions with this store, given their lack of transparency.


The evidence presented throughout this review paints a clear picture: Albanysale is not a legitimate online store, but rather a scam operation designed to deceive and exploit customers.

From the overwhelming chorus of negative customer reviews to the glaring red flags like stolen images, fake reviews, and hidden domain information, every aspect of Albanysale points towards a fraudulent enterprise.

Therefore, it is strongly advised to AVOID Albanysale at all costs. Do not engage with this website, make any purchases, or provide any personal information. Share this information with others to raise awareness and protect them from falling victim to this scam.

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