Wig.com is a store that sells a variety of wigs and hairpieces for women, including synthetic wigs, human hair wigs, short wigs, long wigs, straight wigs, and curly wigs.

In this review, we will highlight both the positive and negative aspects of this wig store to help you determine whether it is legitimate or a scam.

Negative Aspects of Wig.com

Firstly, we will begin by addressing the negative indicators that suggest Wig.com might be a scam store.

Bad Reviews

The most important factor to consider when determining whether a company is legitimate or a scam is to read customer reviews. In this case, I have collected several real reviews about Wig.com from different platforms.

Wigcom reviews

The customer had a negative experience with the store. They ordered a wig but received the wrong color. They have been trying to contact wig.com to exchange the wig, but they have been unable to get through to the right department.


wig-com Reviews 2

The second review is also negative. The reviewer is very dissatisfied with the store's customer service and return policy. They also state that the quality of the wig they received was very poor.


This reviewer ordered a wig but was charged twice. They discovered the issue upon checking their bank account and mentioned a similar experience with a related site, Paula Young. The reviewer labels both as scam sites and plans to wait a few days for a refund before filing a bank claim.


This customer is unhappy with wig.com because the wig they purchased became frizzy after only one month of use. The customer called the company to get an exchange, but they were told that they were not eligible because they did not use the company's hairbrushes. 

Positive About Wig.com

After discussing the negative aspects of Wig.com, it is important to discuss the positive aspects of this store.

Real Instagram Followers

The majority of Wig.com followers on Instagram are genuine people who are interested in the brand, rather than fake accounts or bots. This can be an indicator of the brand's authenticity, credibility, and genuine popularity on the platform.

Instagram Followers

While having genuine Instagram followers can be a positive indicator of a brand's engagement and popularity on the platform, it doesn't directly confirm the legitimacy of the store or its business practices.

Absence of Negative Comments or Reactions

The fact that there are no negative comments or reactions on wig.com’s Facebook page.

Wig.com Facebook post

It could mean that the company is doing a great job and that its customers are happy with their products and services. It could also mean that the company is deleting negative comments to boost its positive reviews.

Original Images

After reviewing the images on the Wig.com store, I found that most of them are original.

wingcom original image

When a store uses original images, it means that the images on its website or other marketing materials were taken specifically for that store and are not stock photos. This can be a good sign that the store is legitimate and that they are serious about selling high-quality products.

Real Reviews on Website

The wig.com's website displays both positive and negative reviews which is a good sign that the reviews are real and have not been filtered.

Wig.com Real Reviews

Wig.Com Reviews

It is also important to note that the reviews on wig.com's website appear to be genuine and informative. Many of the reviews include detailed descriptions of the products and the reviewer's personal experience with them.

This suggests that the reviews are written by real customers who have purchased and used the products.

Founded Address

Another good sign is the company has a physical location and a good reputation on Google Maps.

Domain lookup


specialty commerce corporation google maps

A 4.2 rating on Google Maps is very good. It means that most of the people who have reviewed the company have had a positive experience. Of course, no company can please everyone all the time, but a 4.2 rating suggests that Specialty Commerce Corp is a reputable company that is worth considering.


Wig.com is a store that offers a diverse range of wigs and hairpieces for women. While there are several negative reviews highlighting issues with product quality, customer service, and billing, there are also positive indicators that suggest the store's legitimacy.

The brand boasts genuine Instagram followers, a lack of negative comments on their Facebook page, original product images, and authentic reviews on their website.

Furthermore, the company's physical location and a commendable 4.2 rating on Google Maps further bolster its credibility. In light of both the positive and negative aspects, potential customers are advised to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before purchasing Wig.com.

Ultimately, the decision to trust and buy from Wig.com is up to you.

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