Is FitCharm a legitimate lingerie retailer, or a cunning facade hiding a potential scam? Our investigation uncovered a series of disturbing red flags that raise serious concerns about the company's practices and trustworthiness.

1. Fitcharm: Negative Reviews

I came across a concerning review about FitCharm. This review starkly warned potential customers,

Fitcharm Co Review Facebook

This review serves as a significant red flag for potential customers considering FitCharm for their lingerie needs. The accusation of being a "scam and fraud" is grave, particularly the claim that the company engages in unauthorized charges for memberships customers did not consent to. Such practices, if true, not only breach trust but also violate basic consumer rights and ethical business conduct.

A review highlighting these issues suggests potential systemic problems within the company's operations or customer service, warning others to be cautious and conduct thorough research before making any purchases or providing personal and payment information to the site.

Additionally, the concerns about FitCharm are further amplified by its low rating on, a well-known platform for customer reviews.

Fitcharm Reviews Low Rating

A low Trustpilot rating often reflects widespread dissatisfaction among consumers and can indicate issues with a company's product quality, customer service, or business practices.

2. Fitcharm: Poor Customer Service

I discovered that customers have faced significant challenges in contacting FitCharm, with the store offering limited customer service options.

The primary mode of communication provided is a phone number, which, according to several customer reviews, may not be consistently operational.Fitcharmtm Conact Page


Additionally, it came to my attention that FitCharm uses a generic email address, [email protected], as their point of contact on their Facebook page.

Facebook Unpro Email

While providing an email address does offer a method for customers to reach out, the use of a generic Gmail account, rather than a dedicated company domain email, might raise concerns regarding the store's professionalism and legitimacy.

3. Fitcharm: No Physical Address

Furthermore, a notable concern is the absence of a physical address for FitCharm on both their official website and Facebook page.

Fitcharmtm No Physical Address

The lack of transparency regarding the store's physical location can be unsettling for potential customers, as it complicates the process of verifying the business's authenticity and accountability.

For many consumers, the presence of a physical address is a key trust indicator, providing a sense of security and a means to escalate issues if other communication channels fail.

4. Fitcharm: Copied Content

In a further unsettling discovery, I found that the content on FitCharm's website is not unique to their store but is also used by multiple other online stores, many of which appear to be scams.

Fitcharmtm Home Of The Secretplunge Bra Content

Same Content

Using duplicated content across multiple websites is a common tactic for scam stores for several reasons:

  1. Low Effort and Cost: Copying content from one site to another requires minimal effort and expense, making it an efficient strategy for quickly setting up multiple fraudulent sites.

  2. Rapid Deployment: Scammers can launch numerous online stores in a short amount of time by reusing the same website templates and content, expanding their reach to deceive more victims.

  3. Anonymity and Evasion: By constantly recycling content across different domains, scammers can evade detection and shutdown by authorities, maintaining their anonymity and prolonging their operations.

  4. Psychological Manipulation: Familiar and professional-looking content can create a false sense of legitimacy, manipulating customers into trusting the site and making purchases.

  5. Exploiting Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Using keyword-rich content, even if duplicated, can temporarily boost the visibility of scam sites in search engine results, attracting more potential victims before being penalized for content duplication.

  6. Resource Allocation: By saving time and resources on website development, scammers can focus their efforts on refining their fraudulent schemes and targeting unsuspecting consumers.

This tactic plays a crucial role in the operation of scam stores, allowing them to operate under the radar, maximize their ill-gotten gains, and leave consumers at risk.

5. Fitcharm: No Return Page

Among the various issues identified with FitCharm, the absence of a return policy page on their website stands out as a particularly troubling oversight.

A clear and accessible return policy is a cornerstone of customer service in e-commerce, providing consumers with assurance and recourse in the event of dissatisfaction or product issues.

The lack of such information on FitCharm's site not only leaves customers without guidance on returns and exchanges but also raises questions about the store's commitment to customer satisfaction and adherence to e-commerce best practices.

This omission adds to the growing list of concerns, further diminishing the store's credibility and trustworthiness.

6. Fitcharm: Young Domain Age

After investigating the domain age of FitCharm, I found that the website has been operational for just 10 months. This relatively short period of existence could be a point of caution for potential customers.

Domain Name Age Checker Fitcharmco

While new businesses are common in the e-commerce landscape, a brief operational history, especially in combination with other red flags such as limited contact options, duplicated content, and the absence of a return policy, may indicate a lack of established reputation or reliability.

In the context of online shopping, where trust and credibility are paramount, the youth of FitCharm's online presence may prompt consumers to approach with increased scrutiny and caution.


While FitCharm may offer attractive lingerie options, these red flags raise serious doubts about their legitimacy and commitment to ethical business practices.

Before entrusting them with your money, we strongly recommend exercising extreme caution and conducting thorough research. Consider alternative retailers with established reputations and transparent practices to ensure a safe and secure shopping experience.

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