If you are thinking about shopping from Flowerya.com, think again! In this article, I will highlight why you should beware of this potentially fraudulent store, beginning with customer experiences and identifying some red flags.

Ready to know why you should avoid Flowerya? Let's begin!

1. Flowerya: Customer Dissatisfaction Experiences

Many customers who have purchased from this store express dissatisfaction. Here are some examples, as illustrated in the image below:

Flowerya Reviews

If you wish to view all reviews, please visit the Flowerya Reviews page. Nevertheless, it's worth noting that the vast majority of these reviews convey disappointment and frustration with Flowerya's service and products.

Negative aspects:

  • Potential scam: Multiple reviewers accuse the company of being a scam, citing undelivered products, nonexistent tracking numbers, and refusal to issue refunds.
  • Delivery issues: Several reviews mention significant delays in receiving orders, some taking months.
  • Misleading advertising: One reviewer claims the received product significantly differed from the advertised pictures.
  • Poor customer service: Mentions of trying unsuccessfully to get refunds and overall dissatisfaction with communication suggest potential customer service issues.

Positive aspect:

  • One review found the product cute, albeit not as advertised.

2. Flowerya: Lack of Physical Address

Flowerya doesn't provide its physical address, which is a significant concern and warrants further investigation.

Lack of Physical Address

Here are some reasons why a missing physical address is concerning:

  • Legitimacy: Companies operating illegally or with fraudulent intentions often avoid providing a physical address to make it difficult for authorities and customers to locate them.
  • Transparency: Reputable businesses typically display their address publicly to demonstrate transparency and build trust with customers. The absence of an address can create a sense of mystery and secrecy, which can be off-putting for potential buyers.
  • Accessibility: Providing a physical address allows customers to return unwanted items, visit a store or showroom if applicable, and potentially schedule in-person meetings. Without an address, these options become unavailable, limiting customer interaction and service possibilities.
  • Legal considerations: Depending on the country or region, businesses may be required to register a physical address for legal and tax purposes. The absence of such a registration might be indicative of non-compliance with regulations.

3. Flowerya: Absence of Phone Number

Adding to the red flags, Flowerya also curiously withholds its phone number. This lack significantly raises concerns about transparency and accessibility.

Absence of Phone Number

Avoiding providing the phone number implies Flowerya's intention to create difficulties in customer contact. This raises significant suspicions about their legitimacy and trustworthiness.

Here are some potential reasons why they might want to make contact challenging:

  • Scamming or fraudulent activity: If Flowerya's intent is to deceive customers by taking their money without delivering promised products or services, making contact difficult protects them from inquiries and complaints.
  • Poor customer service: Companies with a history of unsatisfactory customer service might avoid phone contact to dodge complaints and avoid addressing customer issues directly.
  • Limited resources: Small businesses or startups with limited staff might avoid phone lines due to a lack of capacity to handle calls effectively. However, this alone wouldn't justify the absence of other contact options.
  • Data collection concerns: Some companies prioritize online communication channels for data collection and analytics purposes. However, a reputable business would still offer alternative contact options for accessibility and transparency.

Furthermore, on the store's Refund page, it instructs, 'To cancel your order, you must inform us by calling our helpline.' However, the absence of a provided phone number raises the question: How can customers call without the necessary contact information?Refund page

That's a particularly egregious issue. It's deceptive and misleading to instruct customers to call a helpline without providing the actual phone number.

4. Flowerya: Plagiarized Content

Another concerning aspect identified in this store is the use of content that has been employed in multiple scam stores. An example is the "About Us" content:

About Us


Copied Content Search

As evident, this content has been utilized by these scam stores.

Scam stores are notorious for employing deceptive tactics, selling low-quality or non-existent products, and engaging in fraudulent practices. Flowerya utilizing its content suggests a potential association with these illegal activities, raising the risk of similar pitfalls for unsuspecting customers.

5. Flowerya: Based in China

All the factors discussed earlier strongly suggest that the Flowerya store is located in China and may be selling low-quality products. As this store targets USA customers, this can have implications related to:

Increased logistical difficulties:

  • Longer shipping times: Orders might take significantly longer to arrive due to international distance and potential customs delays.
  • Higher shipping costs: Depending on the shipping method and product weight, international shipping can be considerably more expensive than domestic options.
  • Return complexities: Returning unwanted or damaged items can be more complicated and costly due to international postage and potential customs procedures.

Potential legal and consumer protection issues:

  • Different consumer protection laws: China's consumer protection laws and regulations might differ from those in the USA, potentially offering less protection for USA customers in case of disputes.
  • Difficulty pursuing legal action: If any legal issues arise (e.g., non-delivery, product discrepancies), pursuing legal action against a Chinese company from the USA can be complex and costly.
  • Communication challenges: Dealing with customer service for a Chinese company might involve time zone differences and language barriers, potentially leading to communication difficulties and delays in resolving issues.


In conclusion, the overwhelming evidence presented in this article paints a very concerning picture of Flowerya. From rampant customer dissatisfaction and missing contact information to potential fraudulent activity and plagiarized content, everything screams red flags.

For USA customers, the additional risks of longer shipping times, higher costs, and complex legal issues only further amplify the need for caution.

Therefore, if you value your money and peace of mind, steer clear of Flowerya. Choose ethical, transparent businesses with a proven track record of customer satisfaction. Remember, your safety and satisfaction should always be the top priority when shopping online.

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