Curious about Hold that thought. Our recent findings raise serious red flags, from malware risks to stolen images and more. This brief overview is just the tip of the iceberg. Dive into the full details to ensure your online shopping is safe and sound. Stay informed, stay secure.

1. Dangerous Website

Our scan of revealed it's infected with malware, a major red flag. Below, you'll see an image where three antivirus platforms have detected malware.


This lack can be dangerous for customers in several ways:

  1. Personal Information Risk: When you visit or make purchases on such a website, your personal and financial information (like credit card details) could be at risk of being stolen.

  2. Device Security: Visiting a website with viruses and malware can harm your computer or device, potentially leading to loss of data or malfunction.

  3. Phishing Threats: Such websites might also engage in phishing, where they trick you into providing sensitive information under false pretences.

2. Chinese Ownership

The owner of is from China. While that's not inherently problematic, the site's malware issues make it a concern.

Whois Fugress-com

There are a few things to think about when buying from Chinese stores:

  • Extended Delivery Times: Orders may take longer to arrive due to the distance and complex logistics.
  • Increased Shipping Costs: International shipping might add to the overall cost.
  • Customs and Duties: Orders could be subject to additional customs fees and taxes.
  • Quality Variability: There might be concerns over the consistency and accuracy of product quality.
  • Communication Hurdles: Language barriers and different business practices can complicate customer service interactions.
  • Complex Returns: Returning items can be more difficult and costly due to international shipping.
  • Compliance Risks: Products may not meet local safety and regulatory standards.
  • Risk of Counterfeits: There's a higher chance of encountering fake or infringing products.
  • Warranty Issues: Manufacturer warranties might not be valid or supported in your region.
  • Limited Consumer Protections: Local consumer laws may not apply, offering fewer protections in disputes.

Overall: Buying from Chinese stores requires extra caution due to potential issues, but it's not inherently bad.

3. Stolen Images uses images taken from other websites, a big red flag for possible fraud or unethical behaviour.

Fugress image


Stolen images can deceive customers about the real products or services, leading to disappointment when items don't match their expectations.

Using such images also shows a lack of dedication to quality, as trustworthy businesses invest the effort to present their offerings truthfully, ensuring a genuine shopping experience.

4. New Domain was registered just 3 months ago, as shown in the image below.

domain Age Of

Scammers often create websites quickly, offering great deals to attract people, then vanish, taking money and leaving unfulfilled promises. A new website, like one registered only a few months ago, may signal a scam rather than a reliable business.


In summary, while might catch your eye with its offerings, our deep dive reveals it's best approached with caution. The presence of malware, the use of stolen images, its recent launch, and foreign ownership all signal potential risks to your data and wallet.

It's a reminder that in the vast online shopping world, vigilance is key. Always research and verify before you buy to keep your online shopping experiences positive and secure.

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