The store sells a compact and discreet security camera named SpyFocus. But, think twice before buying from them. There are many warning signs you should be aware of.

1. Getspyfocus: Negative Reviews

Many customers have shared negative experiences with the Getspyfocus store, as shown in the image provided.

Getspyfocus Reviews

Users criticize the product for its pervasive advertising and question the quality of the cameras, suggesting they are low-grade products from China.

One reviewer explicitly calls it a scam, claiming the company sends toy-like, plastic items instead of legitimate cameras. Both reviews express dissatisfaction and caution against purchasing from this site.

To read all the reviews, go to the Getspyfocus Customer Reviews page.

2. Getspyfocus: Fake Reviews

Fake reviews are found on the Getspyfocus store website. This technique is famous in scam stores used to make their products look better than they are.

spyfocus Fake Reviews

Here is why these reviews might be fake:

  1. Similar writing style: All three reviews are written in a very positive and enthusiastic tone, using similar phrases like "SO WORTH IT!" and "anyone can benefit from it." This could indicate they were written by the same person or generated by a program.
  2. Unrealistic claims: The reviews mention features some "high-end cameras could only dream of" and capturing a thief "red-handed" without providing specific details. These claims seem outlandish and lack specific information.
  3. Convenient timing: The reviews conveniently address common reasons for buying a security camera (frequent travel, high crime rate, package theft). This could be a way to appeal to a wider audience.
  4. Limited information about buyers: There are no details about the buyers' occupations, specific uses of the camera, or potential drawbacks they encountered. This lack of depth could be suspicious.

3. Getspyfocus: Hide Domain Information

The Getspyfocus store's owner has hidden their personal information. This is often seen as a warning sign for online stores.

Whois Getspyfocus

A company might hide domain information to protect the privacy of the owners or to keep their contact details from being publicly accessible. This can help prevent spam and unwanted contacts but can also make it harder to find out who is really behind a website, which might be concerning if there are doubts about the site's legitimacy or the quality of its products.

4. Getspyfocus: Misleading Tactics

Getspyfocus uses misleading tactics to encourage people to buy their cameras. They advertise a 50% discount for the next 5,000 orders, showing a price of $24 on their website. But when you go to buy it, the discount doesn't apply, and the price is $39.99.

Here is the part of the offer:

Spyfocus Discount


And, here is what you will get:

Spyfocus Discount

The store might use this tactic to attract more customers by making them think they're getting a good deal. When people see a big discount, they might feel more excited and decide to buy quickly before the offer ends.

This can make more people visit the store and buy things, even if the discount isn't given at checkout.


In conclusion, The Getspyfocus store has been linked to negative reviews, questionable authenticity of customer feedback, hidden owner information, and misleading sales tactics.

These factors combined suggest potential risks in product quality and customer service, urging potential customers to thoroughly research and consider other options before making a purchase.

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