Before you shop at, there are several red flags you should be aware of. Our investigation has unearthed a range of concerns, from security issues to customer complaints, that suggest shopping with Moderncanoe might not be as straightforward as it seems.

We delve into the specifics of these issues, including surprising findings from the website's policies and customer feedback, to give you a full picture of what to expect.

For a detailed understanding of the risks involved, we encourage you to read on.

1. Moderncanoe: Viruses Detected

After scanning the Moderncanoe website, the security check revealed multiple threats, indicating a significant risk to users. Notably, antivirus solutions like Avira and BitDefender flagged the site for phishing attempts, which are deceptive practices to steal personal information.

Additionally, CRDF and CyRadar identified parts of the site as malicious, suggesting the presence of harmful software designed to damage or disable computers.

Virustotal Viruses Detected

The detected threats on the website, including phishing and malicious software, put customers at high risk. Phishing can trick users into giving away personal data, while malicious software can harm their devices and steal information.

This makes visiting or interacting with the site very risky, potentially leading to identity theft or financial loss.

2. Moderncanoe: Negative Reviews

I found a negative review on the store's Facebook page that further questions its credibility. A customer expressed frustration, stating, "My goods have never arrived."

Moderncanoeesstore Facebook Review 1

This complaint highlights potential issues with the website's fulfilment and customer service, casting doubt on its reliability and effectiveness in delivering orders.

3. Moderncanoe: Angry Reactions

Additionally, the store's Facebook page also is marked by a significant number of angry reactions, amplifying concerns raised by the negative review.

Moderncanoecom Facebook Angry Reactions

These reactions suggest widespread dissatisfaction among customers, possibly due to unmet expectations, poor service, or unresolved issues.

Such a pattern of discontent points to deeper systemic problems within the website's operations, further eroding trust and suggesting caution is warranted when engaging with the site.

4. Moderncanoe: Based in China

Moderncanoe's origins in China, as indicated by its Facebook page written in Chinese and the physical address listed on the "About Us" page, provide important context for customers.

Moderncanoecom Based In China

The revelation that Moderncanoe is based in China, coupled with detected viruses and negative reviews, raises several red flags for potential customers:

  • Quality Control: Products originating from distant locations might face less stringent quality checks, leading to dissatisfaction.
  • Shipping Concerns: Longer shipping times and potential customs complications can frustrate customers, especially if products do not arrive as expected.
  • Customer Support: Time zone differences and language barriers may hinder effective communication and resolution of issues.
  • Security Risks: The presence of viruses and malicious software on the website could be indicative of lax cybersecurity measures, posing a risk to user data.
  • Trustworthiness: Negative reviews, especially regarding undelivered goods, can erode trust in the company's reliability and legitimacy.

5. Moderncanoe: Another Website

During my investigation, I discovered that the return policy page on Moderncanoe's site includes a reference to a different website, Interestingly, this website is not currently active, which raises further concerns.

Return Policy Moderncanoe Another Website

This inactive link could suggest that was an earlier venture or associated site that has since been discontinued, possibly due to being identified as a scam.

The oversight in failing to update the return policy page with the correct information may indicate negligence or a lack of attention to detail by the owners, further undermining the credibility and trustworthiness of Moderncanoe.

This discovery adds another layer of caution for potential customers, hinting at the possibility of past fraudulent activities connected to the current site.

6. Moderncanoe: Cancellation Fee

Moderncanoe's fee structure for cancellations and returns presents some concerning practices that may be deemed unacceptable by customers.

Return Policy Moderncanoe Cancellation FeeFirstly, the imposition of a $1.5 deduction for order cancellations within 24 hours of purchase can be frustrating for customers who might need to cancel due to a change in circumstances or a simple change of mind.

Additionally, the 15% cancellation fee for orders cancelled after 24 hours but before shipment is notably high and could deter customers from making purchases due to the potential financial penalty.

Moreover, the strict policy of not accepting cancellations once an order has been shipped limits flexibility for the customer.

7. Moderncanoe: New Domain

After scanning the domain age of the Moderncanoe store, I found that it was registered just 3 months ago.

Domain Name Age Checker Moderncanoecom

Here is why a new domain is a red flag:

  • Lack of History: A newly registered domain indicates that the business lacks an established track record, making it difficult to verify its reliability and reputation.
  • Potential for Scams: Many fraudulent websites are known to have short lifespans. They often pop up quickly to scam consumers and then disappear before any action can be taken against them.
  • Limited Reviews: With such a short period of operation, there will be fewer customer reviews and feedback available, making it challenging to gauge the quality of products and services.
  • Trustworthiness: Established businesses typically have domains that have been registered for longer periods. A recent registration can lead to skepticism about the store's long-term commitment and stability.
  • Search Engine Ranking: Newer websites often lack robust search engine optimization (SEO), making them harder to find and verify through third-party sources.


The Moderncanoe is a scam store. Our thorough investigation into has brought to light several alarming issues that should give pause to any potential shopper:

  • The discovery of phishing attempts and malicious software on the site.
  • A series of customer complaints about orders never being delivered.
  • A significant number of negative reactions from the community on their social media platforms.
  • Concerns stemming from the company's operations in China, including potential issues with quality and customer service.
  • The inclusion of a link to an inactive website may indicate previous scam activities.
  • Unfair cancellation and return policies that could penalize customers financially.
  • The recent registration of the site's domain, suggests a lack of established business credibility.

Given these findings, we strongly advise against making any purchases from Moderncanoe. The evidence points to a high likelihood that this website is engaged in fraudulent activities, posing significant risks to consumers. For your protection, it is wise to steer clear of this site and opt for shopping with reputable and reliable retailers instead.

If you get scammed by this store, here's a guide on how to get your money back: Recover Your Money After a Scam.

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