, an online bra store, has recently been highlighted due to its Facebook ads. However, initial investigations suggest caution due to a series of red flags, including dubious practices and inconsistencies in in-store details.

1. Facebook Name Changed

The Facebook page associated with Protmina, the online store in question, was previously named "Lininer" before it was changed to "Protmina".

Proptmina Facebook Changed Name

The practice of frequently changing store names and social media handles is a significant red flag often associated with online scam operations.

This tactic is commonly used to evade negative reviews or consumer complaints, allowing these entities to continually rebrand and present themselves as new, trustworthy businesses to unsuspecting customers.

2. Copied Content

Upon examining the "About Us" page of the store, I discovered that the content appeared to be replicated across multiple websites, some of which have been flagged as scams. About Us Page

As you can see in the image below, the content is used by these stores.

Copied Content

Scam websites often use copied content to quickly establish a semblance of legitimacy without investing in original, credible website development. This strategy enables them to rapidly set up multiple fraudulent sites at minimal cost, targeting unsuspecting consumers.

By plagiarizing content, these sites can appear more trustworthy at first glance, making it easier to deceive people into making purchases or divulging personal information.

3. Fake Reviews

In my investigation, I uncovered that the store employs what appear to be fake reviews on its website. The presence of such fabricated testimonials is a common tactic used by deceptive websites to create an illusion of customer satisfaction and product quality.

Fake Reviews

Here is why these reviews appear to be fake:

  1. Uniform positivity: All reviews are highly positive without any criticism.
  2. Lack of detail: Reviews lack specific details about the product or personal experiences.
  3. Template-like language: Some reviews use similar language, suggesting they might follow a template.
  4. No negative reviews: The absence of any negative or even neutral reviews is unusual.
  5. Anonymous or vague identities: Reviewers' names are often initials or common names, making them hard to verify.
  6. Dates and timing: Many reviews are clustered around specific dates, which can indicate coordinated posting.
  7. "No comments" entries: Several reviews have no text, just a rating, which is unusual for genuine feedback.

Overall, the use of fake reviews undermines the credibility of the store and raises serious concerns about its business practices and the authenticity of its customer feedback.

4. Deceptive Ownership

Upon further scrutiny, I found something strange about the Protmina store. On their website, they say the store is owned by a company called Selon Company Limited. But when I looked into it, I couldn't find any real connection between Protmina and this company.

Contact us Company

This method is used to appear trustworthy. By claiming to be linked with a seemingly real company, even when there's no actual link, these schemes try to gain customers' trust.

This misleading tactic can make people believe they are dealing with a reputable business backed by an established company.

5. Stolen Images

After scanning the images of bras on the Protmina store's website, a disconcerting discovery has surfaced. It appears that the visuals showcasing the bras have been taken without authorization from other platforms such as AliExpress and Amazon.

Protmina Bra Images

As you can see, here is the source of the images:

Google Lens Image

This unscrupulous practice of using images from different sources raises significant red flags regarding the store's credibility and authenticity. Typically, reputable businesses use original or authorized images to showcase their products, fostering transparency and trust with their customers.

The utilization of stolen images not only reflects poorly on the professionalism of the store but also signals potential deceptive motives.


Based on the investigation, it is my conclusion that Protmina operates as a scam. The red flags are numerous and significant:

  • Facebook's name changed from "Lininer" to "Protmina".
  • Use of copied content on the website.
  • Presence of seemingly fake reviews.
  • No verifiable connection to the claimed owning company, Selon Company Limited.
  • Use of unauthorized images from other platforms.
  • Given these findings, I strongly recommend that potential buyers exercise extreme caution and consider avoiding transactions with this store to protect themselves from potential fraud.

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