ResetSmile offers a convenient solution for individuals seeking at-home, dentist-approved partial dentures—crafted to replace missing teeth without the need for metal clasps or surgical intervention. However, potential customers are advised to exercise caution before making a purchase, as certain red flags associated with the store warrant careful consideration.

This comprehensive review will scrutinize ResetSmile's customer feedback, evaluate their customer service, and highlight any concerning indicators that could adversely impact the overall consumer experience. For those prepared to embark on this exploration, let us commence.

1. Resetsmile: Mixed Reviews

The reviews for Resetsmile are a mix of positive and negative reviews. While some customers recommend them, others label them as a scam, as illustrated in the image below.

Resetsmile Reviews

If you'd like to check out all the reviews, you can visit the Resetsmile reviews page. In summary, while some customers have positive experiences with ResetSmile, negative reviews raise concerns about the company's customer service and product quality.

2. Resetsmile Fake Reviews

I discovered that Resetsmile utilizes fake reviews on review platforms such as Trustpilot. Here is an example:

Resetsmile Fake Reviews

Here's why this review seems questionable:

  • Excessive enthusiasm: The use of phrases like "Wow!" and "so impressed" can be indicative of exaggeration or paid reviews.
  • Vague details: The review mentions a "unique situation" with a "small gap" but lacks specifics, making it difficult to verify the claim.
  • Focusing on service: While praising customer service can be genuine, highlighting it over product details might be a tactic to distract from potential quality issues.
  • Emoji usage: Excessive emoji use is often associated with paid reviews or attempts to appear overly positive.

3. Resetsmile: Facebook Angry Reactions

Customers on ResetSmile's Facebook page have used angry reactions, indicating potential dissatisfaction or criticism. As seen in the image below, numerous posts have garnered negative reactions.

Angry Reactions

The prevalence of angry reactions on ResetSmile's Facebook posts suggests a notable level of discontent or criticism from its customers or followers on social media.

Users commonly employ Facebook angry reactions to express displeasure, frustration, or dissatisfaction with a page's content or services.

4. Resetsmile Poor Customer Service

Multiple customers have faced difficulties in reaching out to ResetSmile, reporting unresponsiveness to emails and phone messages.

Poor Customer Reviews


Poor Customer Reviews

These reviews suggest a systematic issue with ResetSmile's responsiveness, potentially leaving customers without the necessary assistance or information they seek.

Imagine this: you walk into a store ready to spend money, excited about a potential purchase. But instead of helpfulness and enthusiasm, you're met with indifference, rudeness, or unhelpful answers.

This, unfortunately, is the reality for many customers encountering poor customer service, and it can have a devastating impact on the entire customer experience.

5. Resetsmile: No Physical Address

The lack of a physical address on ResetSmile's website or public records raises further concerns about their legitimacy and transparency.

No Physical Address


While not inherently a scam, it deviates from standard business practices and invites scrutiny, especially in the context of other red flags. Here's why a physical address matters:

  • Accountability and Trust: A physical address establishes a tangible presence, demonstrating a company's commitment to being reachable and accountable for its products and services. It fosters trust by providing a way for customers to locate, contact, or even visit if needed.
  • Legal Compliance and Registration: Legitimate businesses typically register with local authorities and provide a physical address for tax purposes, licensing, and legal correspondence. A missing address can indicate a lack of adherence to these regulations.
  • Customer Service and Returns: A physical address offers a designated location for customers to return products, seek in-person assistance, or file complaints. Its absence can hinder these processes and create uncertainty in resolving issues.
  • Transparency and Credibility: Openly sharing a physical location signals transparency and a willingness to be held accountable. Companies that conceal this information might raise suspicions about their operations or intentions.


In conclusion, ResetSmile presents itself as a convenient solution for at-home, dentist-approved partial dentures. However, caution is advised due to concerning indicators associated with the store.

  1. Mixed Reviews: Customer feedback varies, with positive recommendations alongside negative reviews, particularly focusing on customer service and product quality.

  2. Fake Reviews: The discovery of potentially fake reviews on platforms like Trustpilot raises questions about the authenticity of positive testimonials.

  3. Facebook Angry Reactions: Negative reactions on ResetSmile's Facebook page suggest a notable level of discontent or criticism from customers, reflecting potential dissatisfaction.

  4. Poor Customer Service: Reports of unresponsiveness to emails and phone messages indicate systematic issues with ResetSmile's customer service, impacting the overall customer experience.

  5. No Physical Address: The absence of a physical address on ResetSmile's website raises transparency concerns, deviating from standard business practices and potentially affecting accountability, legal compliance, customer service, and overall credibility.

In light of these red flags, potential customers are encouraged to thoroughly research and consider alternative options before purchasing ResetSmile.

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