Have you seen those Thesupermade ads popping up on Facebook? They might have piqued your interest, but before you make any purchases, it's natural to wonder: is Thesupermade legit or a scam?

This review will highlight six important facts about this store that you need to know before making any purchases.

1. Thesupermade: Mixed Reviews

The Thesupermade store has received both negative and positive reviews. Here are some examples:

Thesupermade Reviews

If you'd like to explore all reviews, visit the Thesupermade Reviews page. Additionally, you can watch a negative experience shared by a YouTuber.

This customer encountered issues while trying to wear Thesupermade's pants—the zipper quality is poor, and the buttonhole is sewn too tightly, making it impossible to button.

The customer also mentions receiving a refund for missing items but expresses frustration and disappointment with the overall experience. 

Unlike this video, there are many reviews shared on YouTube that are merely promotional videos. This implies that the reviewers received the product for free in exchange for creating a positive review on YouTube.

thesupermade Promo Videos

Overall, These mixed reviews mean that the reviews for the Thesupermade store provide both positive and negative experiences, creating a varied or inconsistent overall impression.

2. Thesupermade Made In China

Thesupermade's products appear to be sourced from China, either directly or through dropshipping from Chinese stores.

Admins Location

The image you've viewed displays the location of the admins of the Thesupermade Facebook page. As evident, there are 5 admins based in China.

Keep in mind that not all products made in China are poor in quality. China is a major global manufacturing hub, producing a wide range of products, from everyday items to high-tech electronics.

Many reputable and well-known brands have their products manufactured in China, and they meet high-quality standards.

Here's a breakdown of some of the negative aspects to consider:

1. Longer shipping times: Due to the physical distance between the USA and China, shipping times can be significantly longer compared to domestic purchases. This can be frustrating if you need an item quickly.

2. Potential for customs delays and fees: International shipments are subject to customs clearance, which can add additional time and unexpected fees. Be sure to factor in the possibility of these charges when budgeting for your purchase.

3. Difficulty with returns and exchanges: Returning or exchanging items purchased from China can be more complicated and expensive than with domestic retailers. Make sure you understand the store's return policy before making a purchase.

4. Language and communication barriers: If the store's website and customer service are only available in Chinese, it can be difficult to communicate and resolve any issues that may arise.

5. Intellectual property concerns: There have been cases of counterfeit or pirated goods being shipped from China. Be cautious when purchasing brand-name items or products with sensitive intellectual property.

6. Data privacy concerns: Some Chinese stores may have data privacy practices that differ from those in the USA. Be sure to research the store's privacy policy before providing any personal information.

7. Environmental impact: Shipping products long distances can have a significant environmental impact. Consider the carbon footprint of your purchase if you're concerned about sustainability.

3. Thesupermade: Long Shipping Time

As mentioned before, Thesupermade's potential connection to China suggests longer shipping times. This customer's experience confirms that, with a delivery wait of 3-4 weeks.

Shiping Time

Overall, while this customer's experience confirms the potential for long shipping times with Thesupermade, it's still up to you to decide whether that's a dealbreaker based on your own needs and preferences. Consider all the available information and weigh the pros and cons before making your decision.

4. Thesupermade: Expensive To Return

Keep in mind that returning items to the store can be costly, and you are responsible for covering the return shipping expenses. Additionally, any customs fees and taxes incurred during the return process are also your responsibility.

Returns and Refunds  Page

In summary, the store does not cover the cost of return shipping, and you will be responsible for all associated expenses when returning items.

5. Thesupermade: Fake Phone Number

Interestingly, while Thesupermade appears to be based in China, the phone number they list shows a United States location. This discrepancy raises questions about the store's transparency and accurate representation.

thesupermade Fake Phone Number

As you are aware, the store is based in China, yet the phone number's location is listed as the United States.

Phone Number Location Checker

A fake phone number is a significant red flag when evaluating the trustworthiness of a store. Here's why:

Lack of transparency: Using a fake phone number indicates a lack of transparency and potential attempts to hide the store's true identity or location. This raises concerns about their legitimacy and makes it difficult to contact them in case of problems.

Increased risk of scams: Scammers often use fake phone numbers to impersonate legitimate businesses and defraud customers. By using a fake number, Thesupermade increases the risk of being involved in scams or fraudulent activities.

Difficulties with communication: A real phone number is an essential communication channel for customers to reach the store with questions, concerns, or return requests. Without a genuine contact number, these interactions become problematic and frustrating.

Loss of trust and credibility: Using a fake phone number significantly undermines trust and credibility. It gives the impression that the store has something to hide and is not acting in good faith.

6. No Physical Address

Thesupermade does not provide a physical address on either the website or social media pages.

No Physical Address

This lack of transparency may raise concerns for customers who typically look for information about a company's location to assess its legitimacy and build trust.

It's a common practice for reputable businesses to provide clear and accurate information about their physical address to establish transparency and credibility. 


While Thesupermade might entice you with its offerings, approaching it with caution is strongly recommended. Here's a summary of our key takeaways:

  • Mixed reviews: The store boasts both positive and negative experiences, making it difficult to get a clear picture of its reliability.
  • China connection: Potential sourcing from China raises concerns about longer shipping times, customs delays, and return difficulties.
  • Long shipping times: Be prepared for potential delays, as customers have reported waiting 3-4 weeks for deliveries.
  • Expensive returns: You'll bear the cost of returning unwanted items, making it a financially risky process.
  • Fake phone number: This raises serious red flags about transparency and the possibility of scams.
  • No physical address: Lack of a verifiable location further increases doubts about the store's legitimacy.

For a safer shopping experience, consider exploring alternative stores with positive customer reviews, transparent practices, and reliable contact information.


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